Thursday, February 4, 2010


Here is our school in the snow!
We returned home in January after "Texmas" (Xmas in Texas!!!) to around a foot of snow that had mostly frozen and it was murder trying to dig out our driveway and the sidewalk.

Let me tell you about the pictures:

The first one is taken through the front window, you can see across the street to the house opposite us; notice the parking meter and you will guess where the road should be...

Next - the parking lot, same day but in the afternoon - snow AND sun together - I love it! I was SO happy all day because snow is beautiful!!!

Third - To the side of our school building, the open lot where we had our fall gathering and picnic! The house in the back is the dorm, where 27 students live, and the little structure to the bottom right of that is the straw bale house that some students built last summer.

Anyway - things I have learned about winter: the 10 winter commandments

1. Never laugh if you happen to notice your colleagues' long johns drooping below the bottom of their pants

2. If you really MUST laugh, first check your own attire for said oversight

3. Just because 6 inches of snow have fallen overnight and the snowplow didn't get to your street yet, that doesn't mean you have a snow day (this means no school for those who don't live in the US).

4. When you get in the car, sit sideways and tap your feet together to get rid of the snow on your boots. Otherwise your car gets REALLY messy.

5. Shovel your driveway ASAP - the snow isn't going away by itself and the next thing that awaits you is... MORE snow

6. One shovel per family is NOT enough - 1 per family member is more like it

7. NEVER go out in your slippers - they were named that for a reason

8. Wear ALL your winter clothes at the same time if you don't happen to have a large selection

9. Do not attempt to clean your windshield with wiper fluid - you just get a ton of frozen mess on top of the previous frozen mess

10. Looking cool is WAY less cool than feeling warm

What's the weather like in your home town? Are you jealous of life in Northeastern OHIO yet??? Wanna come visit??? No hurry - the snow will be around for at least 2 more months - then we get slush - can't wait to blog about that!

Love to all,


  1. It sounds incredibly close to the winters we have in Barrie. My long underwear is regularly pulled under my armpits. I got the L/XL just for that reason. Fits better under my running gear.
    Tip for the car/slushy snow carpets. Put newspaper on the wet carpet/mats to soak up the moisture. I just learned that the other week. I KNOW!! So simple yet deceptively clever.
    My slippers are like runners with no laces or back- so I regularly wear them outside. *knocks on wood*

    Glad you are enjoying.

    I'm going to be in Cincinnati in May for the Pigs can Fly Marathon!! :) Is that far away?

  2. Hello Fran !!
    Sympa ces nouvelles. Ici aussi l'hiver est rude, enfin heureusement pas en Bretagne grâce à notre légendaire "micro-climat" !!!
    On se voit fin mars à Bron, cooooool !!!!
    Les enfants viennent en France aussi avec toi ??
    Bises à tous les 3 et au chat (-;
